
The vine is the master plant in a world of secondary plants, which preserve the whole organic balance. When aging, the vine is able to reach very deep in the soil to get the water it needs. This farming strategy, that’s our belief, will preserve the balance, prevent the erosion (which is irreversible), control the water loss and runoff, stabilize the balance of the organic material and will allow the slow mineralization, which will respect the cycles of the nutritious elements.
We’re part of the label “Au coeur des sols” (translated as « At the heart of the soil »). The soil is considered a place of life which shouldn’t be broken down: let nature work to preserve the microbiological life. Most of our vine growing choices are made after an observation time: weather, nutritious elements, health and vigor of our plants (vines and secondary plants).

As winter begins, we spread organic compost to ease the growing of the green fertilizer sowed during summer. The goal is to enhance the activity of the worms, who will air the soil (micro-organic plowing). This is a technique used in the soil preservation movement.
I’m really committed to sustainable methods which preserve the soil and its organisms. I believe that our vineyard is a living treasure that we inherited and must protect.

We sow between the rows different plants in order to manage the culture rotation and to ensure a better fertility (capture of the azote in the air by the roots) and a richer biodiversity. We developed a comprehensive approach in the environment preservation, including the carbon balanced management, from the air to the ground. As farmers and wine-makers, we are humbly responsible for the balance of the nature that has been entrusted to us.
Transparency is also essential. The rootstock of the vine needs the invasion of weeds to be controlled. We spray three times a year, using a very light and selective weeding product, in order to keep a light cover under the row. The vegetation growing is also managed by a roll in between the rows. We’re also experimenting a mulch cover and controlled sowing to preserve the soil from the sun radiations.
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