Wine Estate

I have a dual activity as, like my father, I grow cereals and run the wine estate, which has been extended since I took over.
I now farm 80 ha of cereals (wheat, barley, sorghum, millet, colza, buckwheat) and vines, following a sustainable vinegrowing process. I have been using these methods for twenty years. 6 hectares of vines are used to produce the estate wines and what is left is vignified in Maison Laudacius, the local cooperative.
I am also a member of the Loire Valley Sustainable Agriculture Association.
Three or four generations ago, in our area like in most rural regions in France, viticulture was more common than today.
Each farmer family had a small vineyard to sustain their own needs. Generation after generation, some of them decided to grow more vines to sell their wine. This is why a part of my vineyard belonged to my father and before that to my grand-parents, who were all farmers.
I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps, keeping the tradition while using today’s modern tools.

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